Add an agent metadata
Add metadata attributes of one agent
A set of agent metadata attributes
The agent id in question
An event id used to track the submission; if none is provided, service will generate one
The date and time when the agent is hired in ISO-8601
The line of business id
The descriptive name of the line of business
The group id of which the agent belong to
The descriptive name of the group
The name of the agent
The location (or address) of where the agent worked
The supervisor id of who the agent report to
The name of the agent's supervisor
A list of agent's known language codes in ISO 639 e.g., English (United States) code = en-US
The number of issues that an agent can take at a time
The category label that indicates the types of workflows an agent have access to or problems they solved
The levels of mapping that an agent have access to make changes to customer accounts
Some numerical value indicating relative or absolute performance on a single scale
Vendor or BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) that the agent is part of
The agent's job title
The agent's role
The hours or shift name they work
The agent's email address
A map of key-value pairs for extra metadata attributes
A response with the status of a sent message
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