Create a message analytic event
To improve the performance of ASAPP suggestions, provide information about the actions performed by the agent while composing a message by creating message-analytic-events
These analytic events indicate which AutoCompose functionality was used or not. This information along with the conversation itself is used to optimize our models, resulting in better results for the agents.
We track the following types of message analytic events:
- suggestion-1-inserted: The agent selected the first of the
from aSuggestion
API response. - suggestion-2-inserted: The agent selected the second of the
from aSuggestion
API response. - suggestion-3-inserted: The agent selected the third of the
from aSuggestion
API response. - phrase-completion-accepted: The agent selected the
from aSuggestion
API response. - spellcheck-applied: A correction provided in a
API response was applied automatically. - spellcheck-undone: A correction provided in a
API response was undone by clicking the undo button. - custom-response-drawer-inserted: The agent inserted one of their custom responses from the custom response drawer.
- custom-panel-inserted: The agent inserted a response from their custom response list in the custom response panel.
- global-panel-inserted: The agent inserted a response from the global response list in the global response panel.
Some of the event types have a corresponding event object to provide details.
Path Parameters
The identifier for a conversation.
Analytics event reporting actions the agent performed while composing a message.
The type of message analytic event.
, suggestion-2-inserted
, suggestion-3-inserted
, phrase-completion-accepted
, spellcheck-applied
, spellcheck-undone
, custom-response-drawer-inserted
, custom-panel-inserted
, global-panel-inserted
For suggestion-1-inserted, suggestion-2-inserted, suggestion-3-inserted, phrase-completion-accepted,
this is the id
from the Suggestions API response that the agent
interacted with. This allows ASAPP to connect the event with additional information (e.g., the
text of the suggestion that was inserted).
For spellcheck-undone, custom-response-drawer-inserted, custom-panel-inserted, and global-panel-inserted, this is the
of the most recent Suggestions API response in this conversation.
In all of these cases, providing the Suggestions id
allows ASAPP to associate the event with the message the agent
is composing. During the normal flow of using the AutoCompose API, the Suggestions API will always have been called
at least once since the previous agent message by the time a message analytic event occurs, and each time the
Suggestions API is called, ASAPP records the ID of the previous
agent message. Thus, the Suggestions id
in the analytic event links back to the previous agent message. This permits
the analytic event to later be linked to the new message the agent is composing, even though the event occurs before
the message is sent.
The details about the spellcheck applied analytic event
The details about the spellcheck undone analytic event
The details about the custom response drawer inserted analytic event
The details about the custom panel inserted analytic event
The details about the global panel inserted analytic event
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