

There is one main color that you can set to ensure the ASAPP chat view controller fits with your app’s theme: ASAPP.styles.colors.primary.

ASAPP recommends starting out only setting .primary to be your brand’s primary color, and adjusting other colors when necessary for accessibility.

.primary is used as the message bubble background and in most buttons and other controls.

There are two other colors you may consider customizing for accessibility or to achieve an exact match with your app’s theme: ASAPP.styles.colors.onBackground and .onPrimary. .onBackground is used for most other elements that might appear in front of the background. .onPrimary is used for text and other elements that appear in front of the primary color.


The ASAPP SDK uses the iOS system font family, SF Pro, by default. To use another font family, pass an ASAPPFontFamily to ASAPP.styles.textStyles.updateStyles(for:). There are two ASAPPFontFamily initializers: one that takes font file names and another that takes UIFont references.

let avenirNext = ASAPPFontFamily(
    lightFontName: “AvenirNext-Regular”,
    regularFontName: “AvenirNext-Medium”,
    mediumFontName: “AvenirNext-DemiBold”,
    boldFontName: “AvenirNext-Bold”)!
ASAPP.styles.textStyles.updateStyles(for: avenirNext)


The ASAPP SDK API allows you to override many aspects of the design of the chat interface, including colors, button styles, navigation bar styles, and various text styles.


Besides the colors used for themes, you can override specific colors in a number of categories:

  • Navigation bar
  • General chat content
  • Buttons
  • Messages
  • Quick replies
  • Input field.

All property names mentioned below are under ASAPP.styles.colors.

Navigation bar colors are .navBarBackground, .navBarTitle, .navBarButton, and .navBarButtonActive.

General chat content colors are .background, .separatorPrimary, .separatorSecondary, .controlTint, .controlSecondary, .controlBackground, .success, .warning, and .failure.

Buttons use sets of colors defined with an ASAPPButtonColors initializer. You can override .textButtonPrimary, .buttonPrimary, and .buttonSecondary.

Message colors are .messagesListBackground, .messageText, .messageBackground, .messageBorder, .replyMessageText, .replyMessageBackground, and .replyMessageBorder.

Quick replies and action buttons also use ASAPPButtonColors. You can override .quickReplyButton and .actionButton.

The chat input field uses ASAPPInputColors. You can override .chatInput.

Text Styles

ASAPP strongly recommends that you use one font family as described in the Fonts section. However, if you need to, you may override: ASAPP.styles.textStyles.navButton, .button, .actionButton, .link, .header1, .header2, .header3, .subheader, .body, .bodyBold, .body2, .bodyBold2, .detail1, .detail2, and .error. To update all but the first four with a color, call ASAPP.styles.textStyles.updateColors(with:).

You can override the default ASAPP.styles.navBarStyles.titlePadding using UIEdgeInsets.


The shape of primary buttons in message attachments, forms, and other dynamic layouts is determined by the value of ASAPP.styles.primaryButtonRoundingStyle. The default value is .radius(0). You can set it to a custom radius with .radius(_:) or fully rounded with .pill.


There are three images used in the chat view controller’s navigation bar that are overridable: the icons for the close ✕, back ⟨, and more ⋮ buttons. Each is tinted appropriately, so the image need only be a template in black with an alpha channel. ASAPP displays only one of the close and back buttons at a time; the former is used when the chat view controller is presented modally, and the latter when pushed onto a navigation stack.


Use the ASAPPCustomImage(image:size:insets:) initializer to override each:

ASAPP.styles.navBarStyles.buttonImages.more = ASAPPCustomImage(
    image: UIImage(named: “Your More Icon Name”)!,
     size: CGSize(width: 20, height: 20),
     insets: UIEdgeInsets(top: 14, left: 0, bottom: 14, right: 0))

Title View

To use a custom title view, assign ASAPP.views.chatTitle. If you set a custom title view, it will override any string you set as ASAPP.strings.chatTitle. The title view will be rendered in the center of the navigation bar.

Dark Mode

Apple introduced Dark Mode in iOS 13. Please see Apple’s Supporting Dark Mode in Your Interface documentation for an overview.

The ASAPP SDK does not automatically convert any colors for use in Dark Mode; you must define dark variants for each custom color at the app level, which the SDK will use automatically when the interface style changes.

ASAPP recommends that you add a Dark Appearance to colors you define in color sets in an asset catalog. Please see Apple’s documentation for more details. Once you have defined a color set, you can refer to it by name with the UIColor(named:) initializer, which was introduced in iOS 11. After you have defined a dark variant for at least the primary color, be sure to set it and flip the Dark Mode flag:

ASAPP.styles.colors.primary = UIColor(named: "Your Primary Color Name")!
ASAPP.styles.isDarkModeAllowed = true

ASAPP highly recommends adding a Dark Appearance for any color you set. Please don’t forget to define a Dark Appearance for your custom logo if you have set ASAPP.views.chatTitle.

If your app does not support Dark Mode, ASAPP recommends that you do not change the value of ASAPP.styles.isDarkModeAllowed to ensure a consistent user experience.


The default value of ASAPP.styles.allowedOrientations is .portraitLocked, meaning the chat view controller will always render in portrait orientation. To allow landscape orientation on an iPad, set it to .iPadLandscapeAllowed instead. There is currently no landscape orientation option for iPhone.


Please see the class reference for details on each member of ASAPPStrings.