Getting Started
Learn how to get started with AutoSummary
To start using AutoSummary, choose your integration method:
The following instructions cover the API (Real Time) Integration as it is the most common method.
To use AutoSummary via API:
- Provide transcripts
- Extract insights with AutoSummary API
Before you Begin
Before you start integrating AutoSummary, you need to:
- Get your API Key Id and Secret
- Ensure your account and API key have been configured to access AutoSummary. Reach out to your ASAPP team if you are unsure.
Step 1: Provide transcripts
How you provide transcripts depends on the conversation channel.
For digital channels:
- Use the conversation API to upload the messages directly.
For voice channels:
- Use AutoTranscribe Service to transcribe the audio, or
- Upload utterances via Conversation API if using your own transcription service.
To send transcripts via Conversation API, you need to
- Create a
. - Add
to theconversation
To create a conversation
. Provide your Ids for the conversation and customer.
This conversation represents a thread of messages between an end user and one or more agents. A successfully created conversation returns a status code of 200 and the id
of the conversation.
Each time your end user or an agent sends a message, you need to add the messages of the conversation by creating a message
on the conversation
. This may either be the chat messages in digital channels, or the audio transcript from your transcription service.
You have the choice to add a single message for each turn of the conversation, or can upload a batch of messages a conversation.
A successfully created message returns a status code of 200 and the id of the message.
Step 2: Extract Insight
AutoSummary offers three types of insights, each with its own API endpoint:
- Free text summary
- Insight
- Structured Data
All APIs require the conversation ID to extract the relevant insight.
Example: Generate a free text summary
To generate a free text summary, use the following API call:
A successful free text summary generation returns 200 and the summary
Next Steps
Now that you understand the fundamentals of using AutoSummary, explore further
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