Once properly installed and configured, the ASAPP Chat SDK embeds two snippets of HTML markup into your host web page:

This section details how these elements function. In addition, it describes how to Customize the Chat UI.


The ASAPP Chat SDK Badge is the default interface element your customers can use to open or close the ASAPP Chat iframe.

When a user clicks on this element, it will trigger the ASAPP(‘Show’) or ASAPP(‘Hide’) APIs.

This toggles the display of the ASAPP Chat SDK iframe.

Badge Markup

By default. the ASAPP Chat SDK Badge is inserted into your markup as a lightweight button element, with a click behavior that toggles the display of the iframe element. ASAPP recommends that you use the default badge element so you can take advantage of our latest features as they become available.

However, if you wish to customize the badge, you can do so by either manipulating the CSS associated with the badge, or by hiding/removing the element from your DOM and toggling the display of the iframe using your own custom element. See the Badge Styling section below for more details on customizing the appearance of the ASAPP Chat SDK Badge.

<button id="asapp-chat-sdk-badge" 
    class="asappChatSDKBadge examplecompany">
    <svg class="icon">...</svg>
    <svg class="icon">...</svg>

ASAPP Badge Styling

You can customize the ASAPP Chat SDK Badge with CSS using the ID #asapp-chat-sdk-badge or classname .asappChatSDKBadge selectors. ASAPP recommends that you use BadgeColor.

The following snippet is an example of how you might use these selectors to customize the element to meet your brand needs:

#asapp-chat-sdk-badge {
    background-color: rebeccapurple;
#asapp-chat-sdk-badge:active {
    -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(102, 51, 153, .25);
    background-color: #fff;
#asapp-chat-sdk-badge .icon {
    fill: #fff;
#asapp-chat-sdk-badge:focus .icon,
#asapp-chat-sdk-badge:hover .icon,,
#asapp-chat-sdk-badge:active .icon {
    fill: rebeccapurple;

Custom Badge

You can hide the ASAPP Chat SDK Badge and provide your own interface for opening the ASAPP Chat SDK iframe. 

  • Set BadgeType to none.
  • Call ASAPP('show') and/or ASAPP('hide')  when your custom badge is clicked to open/close the iframe.
  • In order to ensure that the Chat SDK is ready, ASAPP recommends to display your custom badge disabled/loading state at first and then utilize onLoadComplete to enable it.


In the code example below, the ‘Chat with us’ button is not clickable until you enable it using onLoadComplete.

Once enabled, a user can click the button to open the ASAPP SDK iframe.

Custom Button:

  Chat with us

Load config example:

    ASAPP('load', {
                <other configs>…,
                onLoadComplete: shouldDisplayWebChat => {
                        document.getElementById('asapp-custom-button').disabled = false;


The ASAPP Chat SDK iframe contains the interface that your customers will use to interact with the ASAPP platform.

The element is populated with ASAPP-provided functionality and styled elements, but the iframe itself is customizable to your brand’s needs.

iframe Markup

The SDK iframe is instantiated as a lightweight <iframe> element whose contents are delivered by the ASAPP platform.

ASAPP recommends using the default iframe sizing, positioning, and functionality so you can take advantage of our latest features as they become available.

However, if you wish to customize this element you can do so by applying functionality and styling to the frame itself. See the iframe Styling section below for details on available customizations.

The following code snippet is an example of the ASAPP Chat SDK iframe markup.

<iframe id="asapp-chat-sdk-iframe"
    title="Customer Support | Chat Window"
    class="asappChatSDKIFrame" frameborder="0"

iframe Styling

You can customize the ASAPP Chat SDK iframe by using the ID #asapp-chat-sdk-iframe or classname .asappChatSDKIFrame selectors.

The following snippet is an example of how you may want to use these selectors to customize the element to your brand.

@media only screen and (min-width: 415px) {
    #asapp-chat-sdk-iframe {
        box-shadow: 0 2px 12px 0 rgba(35, 6, 60, .05),
            0 2px 49px 0 rgba(102, 51, 153, .25);

Modifying the sizing or positioning of the iframe is currently not supported. Change those properties at your own risk; a moved or resized iframe is not guaranteed to work with upcoming releases of the ASAPP platform

Customize the Chat UI

ASAPP will customize the Chat SDK iframe User Interface (UI) in close collaboration with design and business stakeholders. ASAPP will work within your branding guidelines to apply an appropriate color palette, logo, and typeface. There are two particularly technical requirements that we can assess early on to provide a more seamless delivery of requirements:

The ASAPP SDK Team will embed your logo into the Chat SDK Header. Please provide your logo in the following format:

  • SVG format
  • Does not exceed 22 pixels in height
  • Does not exceed 170 pixels in width
  • Should not contain animations
  • Should not contain filter effects

If you follow the above guidelines your logo will:

  • display at the most optimal size for responsive devices
  • sit well within the overall design
  • display properly

2. Custom Typefaces

Using a custom typeface within the ASAPP Chat SDK requires detailed technical requirements to ensure that the client is performant, caching properly, and displaying the expected fonts. For the best experience, you should provide ASAPP with the following:

  • The font should be available in any of the following formats: WOFF2, WOFF, OTF, TTF, and EOT.
  • The font should be hosted in the same place that your own site’s custom typeface is hosted.
  • The same hosted font files should have an Access-Control-Allow-Origin that allows sdk.asapp.com or *.
  • The files should have proper cache-control headers as well as GZIP compression. For more information on web font performance enhancements, ASAPP recommends the article: Web Font Optimization, published by Google and Ilya Grigorik.
  • You acknowledge that you will provide ASAPP with the URLs for each of the hosted font formats for use in a CSS @font-face declaration, hosted on sdk.asapp.com.
  • If your font becomes unavailable for display, ASAPP will default to using Lato, then Arial, Helvetica, or a default sans-serif font.